Datasheet OM11048,598 - NXP — Datenblatt

Part Number: OM11048,598

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Manufacturer: NXP

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NXP - OM11048 ­ Development Board
Product Overview:
LPCXpresso-OM11048 is a new, low-cost development platform available from NXP.

It supports NXP's ARM-based LPC microcontrollers. The platform is comprised of a simplified Eclipse-based IDE and low-cost target boards which include an attached JTAG debugger. Designed for simplicity and ease of use, the LPCXpresso IDE (powered by Code Red) will provide software engineers a quick and easy way to develop their applications. LPCXpresso is an end-to-end solution enabling embedded engineers to develop their applications from initial evaluation to final production.
Kit Contents:


  • Core Architecture: ARM
  • Core Sub-Architecture: Cortex-M3
  • Features: Eclipse-based IDE, Integrated JTAG Debugger
  • Kit Contents: LPCXpresso-OM11048 Board
  • Silicon Core Number: LPC1343
  • Silicon Manufacturer: NXP

Andere Namen:

OM11048598, OM11048 598