Datasheet 1MBI200U4H-120L-50 - Fuji Electric IGBT, CHOP, U SER, 200 A, 1200 V, M249 — Datenblatt

Fuji Electric 1MBI200U4H-120L-50

Part Number: 1MBI200U4H-120L-50

Detaillierte Beschreibung

Manufacturer: Fuji Electric

Description: IGBT, CHOP, U SER, 200 A, 1200 V, M249

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2. Equivalent circuit


  • Collector Emitter Voltage Vces: 1.2 kV
  • DC Collector Current: 300 A
  • Module Configuration: Chopper
  • Power Dissipation: 1.04 kW
  • Transistor Case Style: Module
  • Transistor Polarity: N Channel

RoHS: Yes

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1MBI200U4H120L50, 1MBI200U4H 120L 50